

Google Drive

Create and share your work online and access your documents from anywhere. Manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys, and more all in one easy ...

Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform

Learn about Google Drive's file sharing platform that provides a personal, secure cloud storage option to share content with other users.


透過Google 雲端硬碟的檔案共用平台,使用者可以利用安全的個人雲端儲存空間與其他人共用內容,歡迎瞭解詳情。

Google 雲端硬碟

Google 雲端硬碟是Google Workspace 中的一項工具,可提供安全的儲存空間,讓您從任何裝置備份及存取所有檔案。您還可以輕鬆邀請其他使用者查看、編輯你的檔案或資料 ...

Google Drive: Sign

Access Google Drive with a Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use).

Personal cloud storage and file

Learn about Google Drive's file-sharing platform that provides a personal, secure cloud storage option to share content with other users.


安全儲存你的檔案,且可以透過任何裝置存取. 在電腦上選擇要同步到Google 雲端硬碟或備份到Google 相簿的資料夾,然後直接在PC 或Mac 上存取你儲存的所有內容. 前往Google ...